Heifetz, J. (Granat): Saint Saens: Havanaise (violin & piano) Lauren Keiser - Metzler Violin Shop
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Heifetz, J. (Granat): Saint Saens: Havanaise (violin & piano) Lauren Keiser

Heifetz, J. (Granat): Saint Saens: Havanaise (violin & piano) Lauren Keiser


The Havanaise (Habanera in French) by Camille Saint-Saëns op.83 dates from 1885-87. The composer dedicated this work to Rafael Diaz Albertini, a violinist of Cuban origin. In 1888 Saint-Saëns completed the orchestration of the Havanaise. This Critical Urtext Edition is based on the composer's manuscript, the first print of the violin and piano version, and to a large part, on the historic recording by the composer himself with the violinist Gabriel Willaume (1919).

Article number: ZVNHEIG5
Availability: In stock

The Havanaise (Habanera in French) by Camille Saint-Saëns op.83 dates from 1885-87. The composer dedicated this work to Rafael Diaz Albertini, a violinist of Cuban origin. In 1888 Saint-Saëns completed the orchestration of the Havanaise. This Critical Urtext Edition is based on the composer's manuscript, the first print of the violin and piano version, and to a large part, on the historic recording by the composer himself with the violinist Gabriel Willaume (1919).

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