Christopher White 16 1/4" viola, Gofriller model, 2022, Boston, USA - Metzler Violin Shop
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Christopher White 16 1/4" viola, Gofriller model, 2022, Boston, USA

Christopher White 16 1/4" viola, Gofriller model, 2022, Boston, USA

Code: VA16#5425

This instrument is part of our 2023 Contemporary American Makers Exhibition & Sale

My passion for music led me to double bass studies and later to violin making at The North Bennet Street School in Boston. Broadening my experience in the studios of Sam Zygmuntowicz and William Monical, I opened my own studio in Boston in 1991.

I became a member of The American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers in 1994 and have served on The Board of Governors. For more than fifteen years I have been a regular substitute instructor for The North Bennet Street School, and also served as an advisor to the violin making program.



Article number: VA16#5425
Availability: In stock

This instrument is part of our 2023 Contemporary American Makers Exhibition & Sale

My passion for music led me to double bass studies and later to violin making at The North Bennet Street School in Boston. Broadening my experience in the studios of Sam Zygmuntowicz and William Monical, I opened my own studio in Boston in 1991.

I became a member of The American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers in 1994 and have served on The Board of Governors. For more than fifteen years I have been a regular substitute instructor for The North Bennet Street School, and also served as an advisor to the violin making program.



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